Asbestos Cement What is it?
Cement reinforced with asbestos fibre, most commonly Chrysotile (white asbestos) but can also contain Crocidolite (blue asbestos).

Where was Asbestos Cement Used?
Asbestos cement was formed into many different products and can be found in industrial and domestic properties. It was used externally as roof/wall cladding and rainwater products, and internally as flat sheets in ceilings and walls, lots of industrial buildings and domestic garages have asbestos cement roofs and walls.
How do I know if my property as Asbestos Cement Products?
If your property was built after 2000 it is unlikely to contain any asbestos cement.
Asbestos cement was still being used in the 1990s however modern products were being introduced which are very similar in appearance to asbestos cement but don’t contain any asbestos. The only way to be sure is to take a sample and have it analysed for asbestos content.
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